










Dear all, 

I apologize the discontinuous of my writing on this blog for a little while.  If you allow me to explain my situation (a.k.a. excuse), my computer lost all the data due to damage on the hard drive in late February - my husband had been working on recovering the data very hard, and finally the computer got the data back on April.  Thank you, Andy!

This was my situation surrounding my computer.  Here are some of my personal situation.  I was having a hard time managing my time between house work and Finnish class up until March.  Then, I stopped going to class in April in order for me to focus on our move back to the U.S.  We are leaving Helsinki in the end of May.

These situations disrupted my motivation and pace of writing… I now realize that I can never become a professional writer/blogger ever.  My diary does not continue more than 3 days anyways, this was not anything new, but somehow feel disappointed about this fact myself.

Time flies and it is almost 1 year since we moved to Helsinki last year.  The days contains non-eventful daily activities, yet full of excitement through meeting new things and new people in this country.  It is a pity that we have to leave in a couple of weeks - we will miss this beautiful city, and kind friends we met during our stay.

The trees in front of our house started to have green leaves that are becoming so thick to even make shadows on the ground this week.  The shining and beautiful Finnish summer is coming soon!  This idea makes me want to dance.  People who went through the harsh winter in this country will all agree with me about this feeling!  

We are leaving Helsinki in the end of this month, but there are still a long trip back to Texas from now on…  we will go back to Japan for a month, then fly back to VA to stay with grandfather, then drive back to Texas.  As many of you might know already, it takes a car trip of 2 full days (12 hours, and 14 hours) from VA to Texas.  With two young children, we decided to take it easy and make the trip to 1 week visiting friends and family on the way back.  So, my journey back to settlement is still a bit further away.  

There are many things I want to write but I do not seem to be able to find the time to update the blog about my thoughts for now.  Hopefully things will settle a bit more and soon start to be able to write more about things I think of by living in Finland.  


追記:ハンセンさんのホームステイ問題 - Yumiko's issues with her homestay



  1. ハンセン由美子さんの自分英語史:中学編
  2. ハンセン由美子さんの自分英語史:高校編

 その一家は、お父さん(50代)とお母さん(28歳!)、 二人とも再婚同士でした。お母さんが連れてきた娘(11歳)、そして再婚後に生まれた息子(7歳)という家族構成でした。



Q3. 誰かに相談しましたか?


Q4. 何がいけなかったと思いますか?


Q5. 18歳の若い時期に、面と向かって信頼を築きたいと思っている人に「あなたはいらない子だった」と言われるのは、本当にどんなにショックだったことでしょう。それでも、由美子さんは、それを前向きな動きに変えて、周りの人の助けもあり、その状況を抜け出すことができた、というのが、由美子さんの強さになったのですね。アメリカに住むと、というか、海外生活をすると、かもしれませんが、タフになりますよね。精神的に。留学を考えている方にメッセージはありますか?

 もちろん、留学生も、生活習慣や使う言語が違う場所で他人と長期間に渡って共同生活をするというのがどういう事なのか? いろんな体験談を沢山聞いて、心の準備をしておくと良いでしょう。私自身、高校留学を楽天的に考えていたところもあり、深く反省しました。





Some of the readers asked about Yumiko Hansen’s problem with her home stay.  I would like to write the additional information to explain a bit more about it here.

Q1.  What kind of problems did you have with your first home stay family?

They were a family of 4.  Host father was in his 50s, and she was 28 years old(!).  This was their second marriage.  The daughter was 11 years old, and she is a child from the mother’s previous marriage.  The father and mother had a son who was 7 years old.
 In the beginning, I had a happy impression of their family.  However, as we get used to each other, children did not behave well around me.  Even when I was doing my homework, the children played loud music and started to dance around, and the mother did not say a word to them about their misbehavior.  The mother just watched TV while the kids were making lots of noise around me doing school homework.  The kindest person was the host father, but he was a night time truck driver, so he left home around 4pm, and did not come home until next morning.  I did not have a choice but to stay at home than escaping to somewhere more quiet, because I did not have a driver’s license.  

Q2.  What else was the issue other than being unable to go out freely?

After a month or two, the host mother and father started to go out during a weekend fairly often, and I ended up watching their children for no money.  I did not feel comfortable about the situation.  On top of that, I tried to communicate the children’s misbehaviors to the parents during my sitter time, but things never got better.

Q3.  Did you talk to someone about your problems?

I talked to the lady who was a counselor assigned from my home stay program.  However, she arranged a meeting only once, (she lived 1 hour away from us) and somehow, the blame was all on me.  Perhaps, the lady talked to my host mother, and she only understood her side of the story.

I also talked to the other exchange students who were at my high school.  There were 4 of them coming from Europe.  Their home stay family was very nice, and the family had at least one child who was the same age as us, so they did not have any problem adjusting to a new school by making friends and dealing with school culture unlike my situation.  They took me out from time to time after I talked to them about my problems with host family.
It was really lucky for me to have this school counselor who listened to my story very carefully and supported me throughout the year.  After I became friends with Heather, I wanted to change my host family to Heather’s house.  However, the study abroad program office did not like it.  Thanks to this counselor’s advice to the program, I could move out from the first host family and move into Heather’s family.  (It looked like the counselor told to the study abroad program office that the school would not like to accept any more students from them, if Yumiko cannot change her host family.  That was the first time when the program office became serious about my complaints.) 

Q4.  What do you think went wrong?

I strongly advice to those who consider to join a study abroad program like me that you should confirm if the host family has a child that is the same age as you.  Also, you should find out the purpose of the host family’s acceptance to you.

Many of those home stay programs prohibit using study abroad students as a babysitter, but the reality is not that simple.  If the host mother asks you to watch her children, it is really hard to say no, and you might feel you want to help the host family since they are taking care of you every day.  I think it is a good thing to help the family with babysitting from time to time, but if the situation becomes out of hand, you will need to get some help.  Some host families do not have a clear idea and understanding about hosting an exchange student from abroad.  In fact, when I asked my host mother why they decided to accept me as a home stay, my host mother told me once; “I just wanted to have someone who could chat with me at home.  You are 18 now right?  I thought we could be a good shopping buddy.  Actually there was another girl I really liked to have as a home stay, but someone else took her.”  It was very shocking for me to hear what she said.  They did not have any interest in me, or Japanese culture, or any type of interest to get to know each other in personal or cultural level.
Q5.  How shocking it was for you to hear that!  And you were 18 at the time.  But you stayed positive, and changed the situation to the better.  It helped you become tougher.  Living in the U.S. , or maybe out side of your home country, toughens you up very much, in my experience.  I am assuming you felt the same then.  Is there an advice for the young people who are considering to join a study abroad program?

It would be a good thing to hear many stories of study abroad.  It will help you understand the meaning of living for a long time with someone else with different cultural background.  I had an easy going idea about the reality, and I regretted that I did not have a right kind of expectation.
 But, things will go fine!  You will just have to jump in the water and see what happens.

Q6.  Would you still recommend people to join home stay program?

I would like to share my story because I think it will be helpful for those who consider joining a home stay program in the future.  However, my concern is my story might scare people away from study abroad or home stay.  I would like to emphasize that there are positive side of this experience regardless of the issues with my first home stay family.  Many people with good heart helped me at the end.


米在住日本人にインタビュー#1:わたしの英語史 その2 - My English-ism! Interview #01, Vol. 2

さて、好評の インタビュー#1ハンセン由美子さんのお話、そのつづきをお伝えします。前回の記事ではハンセン由美子さんの英語史:「女マルコス」の「ふざけんじゃないわよ!」というスパルタ英語教育で中学校時代を乗り切り。。。というお話でした。今回は、その後、人生初の海外経験、そして高校、大学時代をお伝えします。


  1. ハンセン由美子さんの自分英語史:中学編


高校2年生の秋ごろだったと思うのですが、旅行雑誌か何かでEF Foundation(高校留学の斡旋機関)の宣伝を見つけました。早速そのことを母に相談し、EFの面接、試験、説明会などを経て、高校3年生の秋から一年間、アメリカ留学が実現しました。留学の広告をみつけたのが高2だったというタイミング、国際化の波に乗るという時代の流れ、そして家族の理解があって私の留学が実現したんですね。


Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the first part of the interview.  Today I would like to share more stories of Yumiko Hansen’s English-ism, how she learned English.  This article talks about her first experience abroad, then, high school life.

Have a fun reading!

Below is the story from Yumiko Hansen.

In the 1980’s when I was in junior high school, the idea of “internationalization” in the field of education has become really popular.  The keywords such as “Open country” and “Cultivating young generations for success in international business” are used a lot in the field of teaching.

I believe it was uncommon for a junior high school in Shizuoka’s small town to have a sister school in Canada and offered an exchange program at the time, but our school actually did!  I feel very lucky about this.  20 students would be chosen from the 8th and 9th grades to participate this 2-week home stay program.  My effort and sweat in my English classes were to get a spot among these 20 students.  This is how I could enjoy Ms. Marcos’s military style leadership unlike the other friends.  At the end, I made it to the 20 students to go to Canada!  I was very excited.  You would not imagine how exciting it was for me to experience “abroad” – it had been my lifetime dream.

For me, learning English was like a hobby, so I somehow never felt it was a burden to study for it unlike many other Japanese students.  Practicing listening comprehension for quizzes was like listening to my favorite band.  It felt clicked in my mind.  So, I concluded that “study abroad = a paradise where I can submerge myself in the English world”.  Going to home stay in junior high for me was the same as going to the AKB 48 theatre in Akihabara for passionate AKB48 fans.  (AKB48 is a Japanese pop group – very popular.)  I was that into learning English.

Then, I graduated from junior high school, and went to a high school.  During the 3 years of high school, it was really useful for me to have a real life experience of having foreign visitors at home like my home stay sister visited us from Canada, and also, my family accepted some people for home stay at our house through an organization from the city office.

Going to study abroad was necessary for me to complete my dream of living in the U.S.   In my 11th grade, I happen to find this exchange program on a magazine advertisement.  I applied for it, got the interview, orientation and then, I went study abroad for one year in my last year of high school. 

This time I went to Boston.  Even though it was Boston, the area I was assigned to stay was a suburb of Boston.  In the 1980’s, there was no Japanese living in my area, so basically I only spoke in English, and almost never in Japanese during that year.  Exceptions were when I spoke to my parents on the phone a couple of times during that year (no free skype calls at the time; these were very expensive international calls), and once or twice with another exchange student from Japan at a different high school, 30 minutes away in driving.  Of course, I did not have a car, and I could not drive, so we only met once or twice during the time.

The day when I first got on the school bus to go to school was the hardest.  I did not know anybody on the bus, I did not know where to get off, my English was so rough, I had such a hard time communicating with the bus driver.  I finally got my meaning across, and got off at the right bus stop…  This has been my life in Boston during this year.  Everyday was survival; there was no time to hesitate or being embarrassed.  I challenged myself to anything, and at some point, I stopped translating from Japanese to English when I spoke.  I started to think in English, not in Japanese.  I used English that much every day to survive my year of study abroad.

One lucky thing was I made friends with this nice girl from a class.  Her name was Heather.  She was so nice that she tried hard to take care of me and took me out to anywhere she went. I found more friends through Heather, and I became friends with Stephaney and Denise.  We all hanged out like high school kids, and I did not feel any difference between hanging out with my Japanese friends at high school, or with them in Boston.  Life in high school is the same in Japan and the U.S.!  Only difference is that in Japan kids rode a bicycle, but in the U.S. they drive a car.

Around that time, I was having some trouble with my host family.  There was a study abroad counselor I could talk to on the phone about this problem, but my English was not that advanced to be able to communicate my personal problems to an American person on the phone.  Eventually, Heather asked me if I would like to come to stay at her house, and I took her offer.  I stayed at her house for the last three months of my stay in Boston.

After completing the year of study abroad, I came back to my hometown and finished my high school as I promised with my parents.  

What happens to her after this?  Next article will discuss her college life and her English learning experiences.  Her story continues to Vol. 3!


雪国の冬について考えてみる その2 - thoughts about winter in snow land vol.2










I am glad to hear that my previous article could tell you a bit about how it is like to live in Finland’s winter.  I would like to add a little more about my thoughts for winter in Finland.

Not only snow stays on the ground forever, but also the temperature stays below 0 degrees in Celsius (32 in F).  It started to snow from the mid-January, and the temperature stayed under -10 degrees in Celsius (14 in F).  This cold temperature is a new experience to me.  It is so cold that it made me start to wonder how many days left till I can go back to sunny Texas.

I would like to try my best to explain how cold -13 degrees in Celsius (8.6 in F) is like.  I somehow decided to go outside with kids to play in snow on one day.  When you first go out, it almost feels like -5 degrees in C (23 in F),  but 10 minutes passes, 15 minutes passes, then your face, hands, and toes starts to become painful – these are numbing pain with pins and needles.  “Chilblains” – this word starts to flash in the back of my mind.  Then anxiety and doubt – is it really happening to me?

Nothing horrible happened, of course, and then we decided to get back home.  

At the doorstep trying to get back into the apartment, I reached my hand into a pocket for keys.  Something stung my hand in there and quickly took my hand out.  I started to wonder, “What is it in my pocket?  I thought I only had keys in it…”  Yes, the metal part of keys has gotten so cold that I felt some stinging pain when I touched it, totally unexpected. 

Now you know the reason I am so amazed how cold it is!

The snow had been so fine that we hadn't made a snowman or snowballs.  It would be really great for snow sports like ski and snow boarding, though.  Then, suddenly, a promise we made to our kids came back to my mind.  We promised our kids that we would make a big igloo that fits the whole family in it when we move to Finland…  It does not seem like we can make it come true at this point… 

Oh well, we will go get a sledge and have fun with kids now.

Additional comment:
I wrote the draft of this article a couple of weeks ago.  This week, it has been warmer!  It is about 1 to -3 degrees in Celsius (26-33 in F).  Once you get used to the temperature of -13 degrees (8.6 in F), -3 degrees (26 in F) makes you appreciate it very much - it feels so warm!  Getting used to something produces a surprising effect.  


米在住日本人にインタビュー#1:わたしの英語史 その1 - My English-ism Interview #1

(Please scroll down to see English article below!)


このブログ「日本を外から眺める」では、アメリカで生活する人たちの英語習得法、というか、その方々がどういった過程で英語を学んでいったのか、その中で大切だと思ったことはどんなことか、ということをお伝えしていきたいと思います。不定期になると思いますが、インタビューができ次第、アップしていきたいと思います。それではみなさん、Have a fun reading!

米在住日本人にインタビュー#1:わたしの英語史 インタビュー#1














There are so many ways of learning a foreign language, and each one of us has our own. People have many life stories that need to be told behind the effort and time spent mastering a language, issues of motivation,  learning strategies,  failures, and  success.  

On this blog “Bicultural View of Japan”, I would like to present interviews with Japanese people who live in the U.S.A..  The interviews focus on their history of learning English, and provide tips for language learning.  I hope you enjoy their stories! 

My English-ism  Interview #1

My first interview is of a charming friend in Texas.  I hope you will enjoy her story as much as I did!  I decided to include her age, gender, and her hometown so that people can have a sense of their background and generation.

Yumiko Hansen:  Female, born in 1970, from Shizuoka prefecture, Stay-at-home mother, 7 years of experience in translation company

Here is her life history of learning English.  This is what she told...

In my case it is a bit different from the others, I think…  it may not be useful for everyone, but if you would like, I am happy to share the story of my life.

My passion for English started in the 5th or 6th grade, as I recall.  I had a dream ‘to go to the U.S. and live there!’ for no specific reason.  I really do not know where this idea came from, but still, I kept this dream and eventually made it come true!  Hahaha

I remember I was really interested in my big brother’s English textbook he brought home from his class, when he was in the 7th grade at the time, and I was in the 5th.  My family was very interested in western culture, which was not that strange at the time, and my grandmother and my father were into Hollywood movies.  My grandmother went to the theatre and watched Casablanca and other classic movies in real time, and my father was a huge fan of John Wayne and watched ALL of his movies.  My mother’s hobby was learning foreign languages and cultures.  She belonged to several language clubs, for example French and Spanish, at the time.  Now she has been a member of “South American Lovers’ Club” for 20 years, and travel to South America a few times a year.  I remember I ate blue cheese and Camembert cheese for my mid-afternoon snack when I was little – not many Japanese households serve western cheese for their young ones, I am sure!  Anyways, my family loved that kind of things.

So, I have a strong feel that this type of experience encouraged my dream to study abroad in the U.S. and motivation for English.

My first English teacher was a very strict woman, and everyone called her ‘Mrs. Marcos’ (Mr. Marcos was the Filipino president at the time, and we thought she had a similar dictator style!)  She assigned us notebooks called ‘Sabu-nooto (Side Notebook)’ and we were required to copy 2 pages of English vocabulary words every day.  In addition, we also had to recite the texts from our English textbook in front of her.  When someone does not complete the homework, she would raise her voice, it was incredibly intimidating.  Everyone tried their best to avoid her demon-like intimidation and such embracement being yelled at in front of class.   

But for me, somehow this homework was a joy, and I really tried hard to meet her military style demands particularly because I had the goal to live in the U.S.

When I reached 10th grade, it was clear how much more capable Mrs. Marcos’s students were at English, probably because of her rigorous dictatorship style… no, I mean, her passionate guidance of our English studies.  That was really surprising for me.  I was enjoying the homework, but my classmates probably thought it was just torture and no fun just to copy thousands of English words in a notebook each day.  I did not understand boring memorization could help acquire foreign language skills until then.

Now that I think of it, Mrs. Marcos’s teaching methods may have been more effective than what my friends and I originally thought.  In order for beginning learners to be able to use the language for communication, they have to develop a solid basic vocabulary.  People can only communicate with words, not sentences, in basic communication.  In that sense, this method of “blindly memorizing words” might not be bad.

Anyways, this was how I started to learn English.  But, the reason I studied so hard for Mrs. Marcos’s class was not just to complete the assignment; I secretly had another motivation to study.

To be continued to the next article….        


雪国の冬について考えてみる - thoughts about winter in snow land

Please see English at the end of the article.












I wrote my blog in a different style this time.  Please bear my English here– I try to attempt my best!

It is snowing endlessly,  simply falling.

It snows every day.  Snow stops falling from sky one moment, but then it starts again.  When I look up, I often see blue sky despite the white falling snow.

All around me the land is covered by snow.  I look out from the little crack from my window, my breath comes and goes where warm air meets the cold.  I start to imagine what it would be like to consider this “normal” – winter is supposed to be cold and crisp air with lots of snow.  I quickly give up on understanding what it would be like to grow up in winters like this.

To me, the concept of snowy winter appears distinctly different from what I know.  I grew up at the border of Ibaraki prefecture and Fukishima prefecture, 15 minutes away from the Pacific Ocean by bike.  In my hometown, we have snow once or twice in a year.  To me, snow means beautiful white flakes falling from the sky.  At the same time, snow should disappear after a couple of days.

I go outside to let kids play in snow.  Kids are delighted to play with snow as if there is a huge sandbox out there.  I just stand on the white ground, watch them play.  I realized I simply have no idea how to play in snow.  This realization feels absurd. 

When I found out that we were moving to Finland for one year, I let my mind wander imagining winter in Finland.  Back then, I imagined it would be just like a ski resort.  The thought became very cheerful with the fun memories from childhood.  However, the reality turned out to be different. 

In my experience, snow has always come to an end after a couple of days – I can go home to a “normal life” in my hometown.  In a couple of days, snow disappears from my life and only the memory stays with me.  Here in Finland, though, snow consistently exists for days, weeks, and months.

It will take me a little while to get use to this foreignness.   


歴史と愛国心 - Japanese history and love for Japan

先日愛国心と教育のことについて書いたけれど、今回は新聞からおもしろい記事をみつけたので追記をしたい。(English translation comes at the end of the article.)























I wrote about national patriotism in Japan in my last posting.  I found a good newspaper article on the subject, so I would like to write a bit more.

When I think of how to foster patriotism for my own country, I feel strongly the need to learn historical “facts” including the good and the bad.  Without knowing the facts, passing judgment on a country is not appropriate.  It is kind of similar with people.  When you like someone, it means that you like his/her good personal traits, but also you accept and understand his/her bad habits.  Accepting the bad deepens the relationship even further. It might seem naïve to support a country only understanding its good points.

I think the main reason Japanese people have minimal affection towards their country is directly related to Japanese history classes/textbooks not explicitly discussing the unpleasant matters regarding Japan during WWII. 

An article from Japan Times presents a nice discussion, so I wanted to share with you.

Japan Times article
"Take pride in mending dark past, U.S. scholar tells Japan"


"He advised Japan to ‘take pride in admitting what you’re not proud of,’ just like other countries that have re-evaluated their pasts, including the United States, where schools address uncomfortable truths about issues such as the treatment of Native Americans, the segregation era and the Vietnam War."

‘There is a loss of memory in Japan and an intensified memory in China and Korea,’ Curtis said, adding that Japanese youth now are unaware of the historical context surrounding Yasukuni, where Class-A war criminals are honored along with the war dead. The shrine served as a potent instrument of state Shinto worship and a symbol of Japan’s militarism."

"’Abe has to come out and say . . . there is no room in Japan today for the values that led Japan to do what it did before the war,’ Curtis said, elaborating that they are the values that led Japan ‘to become a colonial power, to use force against neighboring countries, that accepted the recruitment of young girls to provide sex for Japanese soldiers.’

"’whether or not he believes it,’ the professor said. ‘Without that kind of reflection on its past, I don’t see how you can really improve the situation.’


China and Korea’s reaction against Japan’s Yasukuni Shrine visit makes clear that China and Korea believe Japanese people did something awful in the past.  However, how much do we know about what we have done to them?  I do not know much.  Without knowing the facts, there is no way for us to decide how to react. 

In the U.S., there is a TV channel called History Channel.  They broadcast historical issues all day long, every day.  I was surprised how often they talk about WWII (They mostly talk about the attack at Pearl Harbor).  I was surprised they tell the story of the war in a slightly different content than what I have learned in Japanese history classes.  I cannot give you a concrete example now because I do not remember the details, but the impression I had at the time was:  there are always two sides of coin.  One sees the face and the other sees the tail.

If you think about it more carefully, though, it is important for us to learn the other side’s point of view as well as ours.  If the truth exists, it should lay somewhere between the two countries’ viewpoints.  

I have a personal experience about “comfort women” issue.  A couple of years ago some American friends of mine asked about this issue.  Those questions were very specific, whether Japanese solders raped those women, and whether those women were tricked to come to the camp.  I had no idea what really happened.  I was so embarrassed that I could not answer, and could not tell what I as Japanese think about this issue.   

Japanese history classes and textbooks discuss the comfort women issue, but only at a superficial level.   They do not talk about what really happened.  In my experience, when preparing for the college entrance examination I needed to know when the comfort woman actions happened, or which historical event “comfort women issue” is related.    

It is clear that lack of knowledge in Japan about “comfort women” and the other war related issues, does not do justice to the victims or help us explain our current government officials’ actions such as visiting Yasukuni Shrine. 

Living outside of Japan, there are so many times when I am asked to share my opinion about Japan.  It could be about Japanese politics, history, architecture, culture, etc.  I know I am not necessarily expected to give an answer like specialists on those topics, but I am asked what I think about the matter.  It shouldn’t be okay that many Japanese people, including myself, are unaware of a matter like “comfort women issue” and “Yasukuni Shrine visit” that are historically and politically prominent and help place Japan’s relationship with their neighboring counties.   

Recently Japanese media discusses Japanese’s poor skills of English.  Before we talk about Japanese people’s English skills, it is more important for people to understand who we are, where we come from, and where we stand.  If we do not have ideas and opinions to tell, language skills would not really matter.