
雪国の冬について考えてみる その2 - thoughts about winter in snow land vol.2










I am glad to hear that my previous article could tell you a bit about how it is like to live in Finland’s winter.  I would like to add a little more about my thoughts for winter in Finland.

Not only snow stays on the ground forever, but also the temperature stays below 0 degrees in Celsius (32 in F).  It started to snow from the mid-January, and the temperature stayed under -10 degrees in Celsius (14 in F).  This cold temperature is a new experience to me.  It is so cold that it made me start to wonder how many days left till I can go back to sunny Texas.

I would like to try my best to explain how cold -13 degrees in Celsius (8.6 in F) is like.  I somehow decided to go outside with kids to play in snow on one day.  When you first go out, it almost feels like -5 degrees in C (23 in F),  but 10 minutes passes, 15 minutes passes, then your face, hands, and toes starts to become painful – these are numbing pain with pins and needles.  “Chilblains” – this word starts to flash in the back of my mind.  Then anxiety and doubt – is it really happening to me?

Nothing horrible happened, of course, and then we decided to get back home.  

At the doorstep trying to get back into the apartment, I reached my hand into a pocket for keys.  Something stung my hand in there and quickly took my hand out.  I started to wonder, “What is it in my pocket?  I thought I only had keys in it…”  Yes, the metal part of keys has gotten so cold that I felt some stinging pain when I touched it, totally unexpected. 

Now you know the reason I am so amazed how cold it is!

The snow had been so fine that we hadn't made a snowman or snowballs.  It would be really great for snow sports like ski and snow boarding, though.  Then, suddenly, a promise we made to our kids came back to my mind.  We promised our kids that we would make a big igloo that fits the whole family in it when we move to Finland…  It does not seem like we can make it come true at this point… 

Oh well, we will go get a sledge and have fun with kids now.

Additional comment:
I wrote the draft of this article a couple of weeks ago.  This week, it has been warmer!  It is about 1 to -3 degrees in Celsius (26-33 in F).  Once you get used to the temperature of -13 degrees (8.6 in F), -3 degrees (26 in F) makes you appreciate it very much - it feels so warm!  Getting used to something produces a surprising effect.  

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