これは、まさに戦後アメリカによって行われた政治統制の要であるが、当のアメリカはどうであろうか。大統領演説の後、彼らは必ずと言っていいほど"God bless America!"と誇らしげに締めくくる。なんという矛盾であろうか。
my personal experience, I did not realize how good Japan is until I
started to live and travel abroad. I have received many compliments
about Japan being "a beautiful country" and having "kind people" from
foreign tourists and foreign English language teachers. My reaction
back then was very vague - I had to say "Oh is that so?" I was not sure
how true their statements were.
There were so many things I did not know until I left Japan. It may
have been because I did not truly value the things that were so familiar
to me. I can only see the value when there is something for
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is trying to incorporate "patriotism" in the educational curriculum (NY Times article is here). Most Japanese people are sensitive to the idea of government originated patriotism education.
Many Japanese people including myself believe the causes for World War
II, including the occupation of East and South East Asia and other
unfortunate incidents, are the government controlled media which lead to
a distorted view of national patriotism. After the war, "separation among education, politics and religion" is one of the most important aspects of Japanese education, in order to avoid the same mistakes of the war. In fact, one of my college professors in Education department said,
"What should a teacher avoid the most in class? To talk about his or her own view of politics and religion."
This actually was the result of the American occupation and associated political reform after WWII. The Allied occupation strictly insisted on the importance of "separation of education, politics, and religion". However, let's look at the situation in the U.S. The president ends his speeches with this phrase, "God bless America!" What an irony.
I am not sure the exact reason I cannot openly express my love for Japan. It may be because of the politics American government laid after the war, or there might be some other reasons - it is not clear. Shinzo Abe's idea to rebuild Japan with pride is very appealing. However, based on my post-war-education, I feel uneasy to include "national patriotism" in moral education.
Education for patriotism through cultural comparison: express Japan to the world
知っている事柄と新しい事柄の比較が「己を知ること」につながり、「自国を愛し尊重する心」が生まれるのだ。日本人らしさを知ることは、きっと日本人とし て生まれた以上、知る価値のあることだと、私は思う。幕末の志士たちが持っていた真摯な国を想う気持ち、その迷いのなさを私はうらやましく思う。
The fact that so many people in the world have a positive attitude towards Japan and show a lot of interest in Japanese culture surprises me. It could be because Japan makes reliable cars, or Japanese electric products are the best. Japanese martial arts including karate (it could be from China), judo, and aikido are also famous worldwide. You would be surprised how many adults have actually studied these martial arts. They do, of course, learn the traditional "bushido" spirit behind the martial arts, and I find that touching as a person from Japan.
However, it is also true that they often wonder, "What kind of country IS Japan?". Japan is still a country of mystery for many people worldwide. Love for your own country should originate from discovering its true value. Learning about the other countries in comparison to your own country will lead to a clearer understanding of Japan.
Teaching "patriotism" in moral education sounds very aggressive, very rowdy - even dangerous. Rather, a more natural way of building Japanese pride in youngsters is to provide information about Japan, talk about it, and express have them express their ideas about Japan through comparisons between Japan and the other countries in the world. In Japanese class, they can talk about Japan in their own language, in English class, they can describe Japan in English, and in Social Studies, they can compare historical events between Japan and other countries, or explore different approaches for recycling by comparing the current policy in Japan to other countries' policies. The possibility of great learning is endless.
Learning about Japan means learning about yourself and building your own identity as a Japanese citizen.
Rather, the learners' natural realization of love for Japan will be achieved by studying about Japan in comparison to other countries/cultures, in their Japanese class, English class, and Social Studies. Learning based on facts is important - not an illusion someone else forces you to believe. When they encounter the unknown, people think, understand and evaluate the new based on what they have already known.
Comparison between the known and the unknown leads to the understanding of self, and this self-realization will support the love and pride for your own country. Learning about your "Japanese-ness" is really valuable. The patriots at the end of Edo era possessed a sincere love for their country - I love the sincerity of their spirit.
will watch the movie "Chu-shin-gura" this New Year's eve (this is a
Japanese tradition among older people). No no, it is not because I am
Web source is here: The Patriots at the end of Edo era |
Ryouma Sakamoto, one of the most famous patriots The photo is taken from here |